Ajmer Development Authority has announced a date for conducting the lottery draw result of ADA Panchsheel Nagar Yojana E-Block on 20 July 2016. The authority has published the list of applications received in the registration period of the scheme.
The successful list of applicants for the lottery draw result of ADA Panchsheel Nagar Yojana E-Block scheme is available in the link below:
Applicants List for ADA Panchsheel Nagar Yojana E-Block
The draw result will be held on 20 July at Jawahar Rangmanch, Ajmer for the allotment of 238 residential plots.
For more details visit the link below:
Lottery Draw Result of ADA Panchsheel Nagar Yojana E-Block
The successful list of applicants for the lottery draw result of ADA Panchsheel Nagar Yojana E-Block scheme is available in the link below:
Applicants List for ADA Panchsheel Nagar Yojana E-Block
The draw result will be held on 20 July at Jawahar Rangmanch, Ajmer for the allotment of 238 residential plots.
For more details visit the link below:
Lottery Draw Result of ADA Panchsheel Nagar Yojana E-Block