Ghaziabad Development Authority had declared the draw date for GDA Sanjaypuri Awas Yojna EWS Scheme in Modinagar. The Draw was scheduled to hold on tomorrow 31 July 2015. And Now the authority is ready to hold the draw of GDA EWS Scheme Code 845 in Modinagar.
The authority will hold the draw of lots for the allotment of 288 multi-storey flat of Economical Weaker Section of the society. The applications for the scheme was collected in the registration period from 1st June to 30 June 2015 and now the time has come for the allotment of those flats.
The authority invites all the applicants to watch the live draw. The draw result will begin in the morning after 10:00 AM.
For more detail visit the official website of Ghaziabad Development Authority.