Wednesday, 7 February 2018

RTE Maharashtra Admission 2018-19 Application Form

RTE Maharashtra Admission 2018-19  - Application Form filling process for RTE Admission 2018 19 to start from tomorrow 8 February 2018. Parents waiting for applications of RTE Maharashtra admission 2018 19 would soon be able to make registration for their children in Primary education.\

Right now, the process of RTE admission is open for schools to make registration under RTE Act. Subsequently, students would be able to make application for admission into RTE school. The process of application can be collected from the link below along with information such as list of RTE Schools in Maharashtra district and Taluka/ Block. You can also check the list of document required for RTE admission 2018 19.

Complete information of RTE admission can be collected from the official website or by using the link below.

RTE Admission 2018 19

RTE Maharashtra Admission 2018 19 Schools List